locked to 40fps
setting to fullscreen somtimes gets stuck in a black screen
just started it wih protonGE, and connected my steam account with xbox, didn't have to go into desktop mode
set game res to 1157x720, set to windowed mode and activate fsr and 50fps cap in deck menu
FSR does only work inwinowed mode
Works great out of the box, but with tinkering you can get around 4h playtime at ultra preset settings
Bios Setting GPU shared memory to 4GB, using CryoUtilities to set swapsize to 16 and swappines to 1, useing System Toolbox plugin of decky to activate linux huge pages
Works great out of the box.
But with tinkering you can get 4h playtime out of ultra preset settings with a solid 50fps lock. Steps:
- in SteamDeck Bios set GPU memory share to 4GB
- all of CryoUtilitys recomended settings (needs CryoUtilities)
- System Toolbox plugin of Decky to set linux huge pages to on (needs Decky)
- Set Ingame Resolution to 960x600/ vsync off/ ultra preset
- Steamdeck FSR to on and sharpness 5
- Steamdeck Framerate Limit to 50fps and Refreshrate 50hz
As the imagery in this game seems to scale really well, it's possible to set a low ingame resolution without getting any visible image degredation (at least i couldn't tell a difference).