On default quality graphics preset: Framerate drops when doing actions. For example returning to main menu results in 20 fps for 1-2 seconds, then returns to 60. Framedrops on loading screens or during combat with many effects.
Right trigger is by default LMB so it clicks on stuff, you can use touchscreen as well since it's mobile game. Left trigger is RMB and works as return button.
By default it's set to quality preset with average total power consumption about 13W.
It can run at highest possible settings at 720p as well, but it's struggling, fps about 58-59, drops more significantly during actions and power consumption and fan speed is much higher while visually I didn't notice any difference on this 7 inch screen. So default quality preset is great.
Also no 16:10 option in settings.
Desktop mode needed only to transfer already existing account that was linked to Google. In game mode it says that browser isn't secure enough.