I - Fortuna
Works fine except for inventory which almost always crashes, which is quite crippling for this game
protontricks 1677470 -q -f dotnet40 mfc42 mfc140 vcrun6
did the trick, I just followed mechaKitty's report here
Crashes almost every time I open my inventory; if it doesn't, it then crashes when I change inventory pages. Has also crashed randomly once at the start of a PvE quest.
protontricks 1677470 -q -f dotnet40 mfc42 mfc140 vcrun6 did the trick, I just followed mechaKitty's report here
some random crashes at the start of levels; used to crash when I opened the inventory but doesn't anymore
Occasionally will hang for a few seconds and come back; and very rarely doesn't come back. When this happens, my mouse is still captured by the application and I have to switch to a virtual console to kill the process.
Great experience overall
When the "fullscreen" option is off (borderless windowed), unfocusing the game makes memory usage balloon out of control rapidly. This can be fixed by adding "-RequireFocusToUpdate=false" to the initialization options. This has only started happening in one of the recent updates after 1.0.
Occasionally will hang for a few seconds and come back; and very rarely doesn't come back. When this happens, if "mouse lock is enabled" my mouse is still captured by the application and I have to switch to a virtual console to kill the process. Since I play on borderless, I leave the option off.
I use XFCE, YMMV in other WMs.
Running fullscreen does not let you alt-tab out of the game and makes my mouse invisible, even if I unfocus it switching to another workspace.
Running borderless window, it sometimes re-raises the game's window and/or hides your mouse after alt-tabbing, or switching workspaces, but switching it again works, so it's a minor inconvenience. Otherwise, runs fine.
Game does not start with error "Win32 function failed: HRESULT 0x800040052 Call: at line 226 in file \Graphics_DisplayM.cpp"