Game does not start
Steam starts the game and for a while thinks its running, but no window is displayed.
Currently game is unplayable.
All appears to work other than the ability to power wash dirt from objects in the game.
Cant clean is a known issue due to Direct X 11.1+ support. Developer has released a 'legacy wash system' beta to fix issue. see https://steamcommunity.com/app/1290000/discussions/0/3088885996478063720/
Had to opt into Beta 'legacy_washing_beta -- Legacy wash system test' in Steam using code LegacyWashSystem. see https://steamcommunity.com/app/1290000/discussions/0/3088885996478063720/
To work around the "Missing required C++ package...." error on startup. Use proton tricks to open regedit and add under
When opening the 'G' build menu game pauses for several seconds.
Hangs during initial load when selecting new game.
seems to be an issue with vkd3d-proton caused by nvidia driver version 535.
See issue: https://github.com/HansKristian-Work/vkd3d-proton/issues/1678