Very low FPS
Game launch well with Proton 4.11-13, but ingame, the FPS are low and there is a freeze every 1 sec. I tried to put the lowest resolution and lowest "config", but it changed nothing. Is it my hardware or is it Proton ? Idk, I try to find the solution
[I launch it with Proton 5.0-10]
First, after installing the game, launch it for the first time for making everything install.
Second, you should have a black screen with the mouse. Quit the game through steam and right click on the game -> Properties -> Local Files -> Browse. Open a terminal in this folder and execute this command :
mv ./bin ./bin.bak && ln -s DefEd/bin bin && cd bin && mv ./SupportTool.exe ./SupportTool.bak && ln -s EoCApp.exe SupportTool.exe
It should work now !
Third, if you get some random freezes, right click on the game -> Properties -> General -> In the "Launch Options" bar, copy paste this :
PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
Launch and enjoy this awesome game !!
Alt+Tab give a black screen with the mouse when I go back in the game, so avoid it if possible
Some freezes, I explain below how to fix it (Third point)
[I launch it with Proton 5.0-10]
First, after installing the game, launch it for the first time for making everything install.
Second, you should have a black screen with the mouse. Quit the game through steam and right click on the game -> Properties -> Local Files -> Browse. Open a terminal in this folder (right click in a blank zone) and execute this command :
mv ./bin ./bin.bak && ln -s DefEd/bin bin && cd bin && mv ./SupportTool.exe ./SupportTool.bak && ln -s EoCApp.exe SupportTool.exe
If you still have a black screen after all of this, open a terminal and execute this command :
WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/435150/pfx/ winetricks xact
Source : https://www.reddit.com/r/DivinityOriginalSin/comments/alrg6u/divinity_original_sin_2_de_on_linux_with/
It should work now !
- Third, if you get some random freezes, right click on the game -> Properties -> General -> In the "Launch Options" bar, copy paste this :
PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
Launch and enjoy this awesome game !!
Linux Gaming FTW \o/
I can't host a game for my friend... But I can join a game hosted by a friend !
Launching with Proton 8.0-3 showed a java error, I just switched to Proton experimental and it worked perfectly
Sorry for the double review, I launch this game with EndaevourOS and not PopOS (old distro). Also, Proton 8.0-3 launched the game !
I tried to launch the game with Proton 8.0-3 for reporting the "java error" that I mentionned earlier, but the game just launched like previously with Proton Experimental Bit confused, but I will not complain about that heh
Controller don't seems to be detected, but Minit can be played very well with keyboard (arrows + 'x' and 'c' keys)
First launch had a black screen with a camera error (forgot to copy the message)
If you have this camera thing error just do this :
Create a file "camera.ini" in your home directory : /home/YOUR_NAME/.config/minitGMS2/camera/camera.ini
And edit it with nano or vi and put this in the file :
[camera] user_url="https://minitgame.com" api_key="featured_disabled_forever"
Save, launch the game and enjoy !
Controller not detected, but actually, arrows + 'x' and 'c' keys are all you need for playing
First launch had a black screen with a camera error (forgot to copy the message)
If you have this camera thing error just do this :
Create a file "camera.ini" in your home directory : /home/YOUR_NAME/.config/minitGMS2/camera/camera.ini
And edit it with nano or vi and put this in the file :
Save, launch the game and enjoy !
[Proton 6.3-3] - Work perfectly after 1 easy step (if you have a black screen + camera error message)
First launch had a black screen with a camera error (forgot to copy the message)
If you have this camera thing error just do this :
Create a file "camera.ini" in your home directory :
And edit it with nano or vi and put this in the file :
Save, launch the game and enjoy !
At first, the sound was inexistant and the very first loading screen (after the intro cinematic) reached "Anomaly Detected", counts up to 2:00 and stops
I just Alt+F4, goes to Proprieties of the game, forced the compatibility with Proton Experimental, and I played more than 5 hours (so far)
Enjoy !
Origin is a freaking pain ! Can't launch TF|2 because of the infinite OriginThinSetup.exe
I tried tutorials on internet, by adding "OriginThinSetup.exe" as a non-steam game for installing it, etc etc, But everytimes I launch TF|2, it launch the OriginThinsetup.exe. Why the fuck we have all these sh*t launchers, I'm so mad !