Game has some minor graphical issues that do not hinder the playability of the game. Audio has issues, but can mostly be fixed with xact, which you can install by using protontricks 253230 xact
after protontricks (https://github.com/Sirmentio/protontricks) is installed. Performance is as expected.
Game runs exactly as it did on windows as far as I can tell. Have not unlocked everything yet but I've seen nothing noticeably wrong with the game after a few hours.
For the Purposes of playing this game in VR, using Proton works perfectly. Runs exactly as you'd expect it to on Windows.
Game works out of the box, VR works nearly flawlessly, overall good experience.
Minor artifacting when playing the game in SteamVR. Otherwise basically perfect, as far as I can tell.
Game had some issues with stutter, nothing too horrible.
Works nearly perfectly.
Game had issues with closing when I went to quit, you have to manually kill it.
Ferret is the best super animal type do not fight me on this