Played the entire game. Had one crash to desktop (I'd expect about the same on Windows) but otherwise flawless.
Excellent, except some minor older-game bugs
This could just the game being a little buggy, but occasionally some sounds would not play. With some regularity (once every few hours), NPC audio would bug out resulting in you not being able to talk to any NPC without reloading.
It's unclear how many of these are just the game being old, or minor incompatibilities with newer graphics drivers. But there are occasional tiny flaws, like the water below the boat in No Man's Wharf not being visible from the top of that map.
Mouse look breaks after the game loses focus.
gamemoderun %command% +com_showLoadingScreen 0
One section had a song sung by characters that didn't play properly (voices cut in and out abruptly), but otherwise flawless.
Short fps hitches at the beginning of each play session (presumably shader compilation). Normal performance after 2 or 3 of those in the first minute or so.
My options just turn on "gamemode" and skip the intro videos
With minor tinkers (DKVK_ASYNC=1 and avoiding Epic graphical settings) it is a very smooth experience
DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
With DXVK_ASYNC=1 you get minor texture & LoD pop-in at scene changes, but without it you get huge frame drops at scene changes instead. DXVK_ASYNC=1 is highly recommended as at least you can follow the action for those occasional seconds.
Performance is great (>100 fps) on Epic settings, but after a while closing the menu will cause it to drop to <10fps for no reason (reported in other comments here). RELIABLE WORKAROUND: Run on High settings and this issue takes many hours to appear, if it does appear simply change down to Medium, play for a few seconds, and the change back to High and it will be fixed.
If desktop panels are visible, change to fullscreen in game settings, otherwise flawless.
Initial bootup is in "borderless window fullscreen", which left KDE panels visible. Switching to "fullscreen" fixed this immediately.