%command% -d3d11
Blank screen on cutscenes
The only issue i've had is the game not closing properly to the desktop. Every time I have to manually kill the process.
Very awesome game, played flawlessly (almost) on an old mobile device! (Thanks Proton and Vulkan!)
DXVK_ASYNC=1 WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=1 WINEDLLOVOVERRIDES=dxgi=n,b PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 gamemoderun %command% -adapter 0 -vulkan -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -cpuLoadRebalancing -ignorepipelinecache
I 've had constant freezing on missions inside Valentine (Chapter II). After a couple of days of thinkering i've read the solution here on ProtonDB and wanted to share this info! I 've tried a couple of versions of Proton, but none of these changes had lead to a solution for me. I 've had to change the value inside the game config file 'system.xml', which lies on the RedDeadRedemption2/Settings/ directory on the c dirive inside .local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/..etc etc.
Some crackling are audible, but the quality is ok. Some times it started with a huge noise crackling, see the pulseaudio flag to the command
Fullscreen not by default, changed to proton ge to get the game to remeber my preference
Occasional freezing