Works flawlessly because it's a very simple game
You can play it like usual, install mods with wine, mess around with the files, create scenarios... the usual stuff.
Does Not Start
arbiter.dll, anti-cheat, I really don't care
just fix it, microsoft.
Besides the mouselook problem that can be solved with GameScope, the game runs and plays like normal.
gamescope --force-grab-cursor -w 1920 -h 1080 -- %command%
Unless using GameScope, mouselook does not work properly on wayland.
Great game, made by people from my country!
20 FPS is not enjoyable at all. For now, install windows if you want to have a laugh with this or just don't play it.
Unplayable FPS when dust particles show up. That means that the actual gameplay part is very laggy.
A lot less accurate tracking than on Windows natively
You can use the OpenSeeFace tracker in the terminal, but it is a lot less accurate than using it natively on windows. If you are a vtuber, or test vtuber models (like myself, a rigger), run it on Windows or on a Windows VM with hardware acceleration, because the tracker is awful. I wear glasses, and it just doesn't pick up my blinking. On Windows, it does.