I can start the game and the other recommended steps work, but I cannot interact in any way.
MANGOHUD_CONFIG=fps_limit=60 mangohud %command%
I tried the other recommended steps (install uplay-connect through wine, fps-limiting through mangohud -- otherwise it would go up to like 500fps) and for what they attempted to resolve, they did just right.
And while I can start the game just fine, I cannot interact with it. at all. I don't know why.
Run Ubisoft Connect installer
FPS may be too high as noted by Lindi.
After installing Ubisoft Connect, it requires logging in. When restarting the game several times it prompted for login without caching my user name. After about the third time it stopped prompting.
As others noted, the default installation fails with Uplay.exe not found. When I tried running UplayInstaller.exe as suggested it complained about there being a newer version already installed.
Installing and running the Ubisoft Connect installer worked for me.
- Download and save installer from https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/ubisoft-connect/download.
- Install it: WINEPREFIX="${HOME}/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/965310/pfx" wine ${HOME}/Downloads/UbisoftConnectInstaller.exe
mangohud %command%
Uplay either cant be found or is unable to connect to the internet and doesnt work. As mentioned in comments below, install with Wine by typing the following into your terminal (check your path first): WINEPREFIX="/home/NAME/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/965310/pfx" wine "/home/NAME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/The Settlers - Rise of an Empire - History Edition/Data/Support/UplayInstaller.exe"
Fps skyrockets, to prevent this use Mangohood or whatever cap program you prefer (setting fps_max in launch options did not work)
Spiel läuft nicht auf Linux das Ubisoft seinen Luncher nicht auf die Kette bekommt
had to run protontricks 19930 d3dx9 , then it worked both in desktop mode as in game mode. I also used protontricks to install uplay, but I don't think that helped, as this version of the game does not use uplay.
WINEPREFIX="/home/NAME/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/compatdata/965310/pfx" wine "/home/NAME/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/The Settlers - Rise of an Empire - History Edition/Data/Support/UplayInstaller.exe"
Trick zum installieren
- Proton 5.0 installieren
- Im Terminal ausfĂĽhren: WINEPREFIX="/home/NAME/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/compatdata/965310/pfx" wine "/home/NAME/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/The Settlers - Rise of an Empire - History Edition/Data/Support/UplayInstaller.exe"
- Nach Installation. Fehler von Ubisoft Connect.
- Spiel mit Proton 7.0 benutzen. Fertig.
had to install Uplay manually
Type from CLI (check your paths !) :
WINEPREFIX="/run/media/jeanmarc/data/steam/steamapps/compatdata/965310/pfx" wine "/run/media/jeanmarc/data/steam/steamapps/common/The\ Settlers\ -\ Rise\ of\ an\ Empire\ -\ History\ Edition/Data/Support/UplayInstaller.exe"
You may need to rename the Settlers directory without spaces, then rename it once uplay is installed.
Ubisoft Connect manuell installieren
WINEPREFIX="/home/NAME/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/965310/pfx" wine "/home/NAME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/The Settlers - Rise of an Empire - History Edition/Data/Support/UplayInstaller.exe"
I had problems installing the Uplay launcher via Proton. Installing it with wine worked. To do this type the following into a terminal:
WINEPREFIX=path_to_games_wine_prefix wine path_to_game/Data/Support/UplayInstaller.exe
In my case wine complained that it could not find the folder. The reason was that the name of the game folder contained spaces. This was fixed by removing the spaces, executing the command and renaming the folder back to its original name.
The wineprefix should be under steamapps/compatdata/965310/pfx like described in a previous post
Installing UPlay made the game work perfectly.
At launch the game might complain that it failed to find UPlay. It seems to be an issue on Windows as well, to fix that run the game's UPlay installer (<game directory>/Data/Support/UplayInstaller.exe/
) with Proton in the game's prefix (<steamdir>/steamapps/compatdata/965310/pfx
Followed the other posters advice and ran protontricks 19930 d3dx9
(Using directx9 is deprecated). But for some reason the texture quality cannot be changed. Otherwise the game runs fine.
NOTE: actually relates to APP ID 19930 (Rise of an Empire Gold Edition), but that doesn't seem to be on the store anymore. Probably works for this version too, though.
Out of the box it doesn't work; you'll end up with a white screen while the audio plays. To fix the graphics, I installed DirectX 9 using protontricks: [protontricks 965310 directx9]
On my dual-monitor setup I have the one remaining issue that the game window will appear on one screen, while my mouse is "captured" on the other. Simply alt-tabbing out of the game and back into it then moves the window to the right screen.
The game start but screen is totally white
white screen (unplayable), cursor shows up, music plays
"Cannot Find Uplay"