Perfect experience
Bricks SteamVR
Opens on the OpenXR screen, but completely bricks SteamVR. I tried all the beta versions, different proton versions, monado with envision, reinstalling it, nothing worked. Running Hyprland.
VR Headset: Valve Index
Basestations: 2
SteamVR must be set to the meta compatibility mode
Used a Valve Index, in case any other headsets come with their own issues.
Had 0 problems with multiplayer except for me being brazilian and no one playing on the South America server, so i had to play with 140ping, but that is not proton's fault
I play on steam vr version 2.4.4 because that is the one that works with alvr. Game works great, i need to train more
XR_RUNTIME_JSON=/home/kaydax/.local/share/envision/prefixes/lighthouse_default/share/openxr/1/openxr_monado.json PRESSURE_VESSEL_FILESYSTEMS_RW=/run/user/1000/monado_comp_ipc %command%
The game has issues when trying to use it with SteamVR alone, especially using a NVIDIA card. However when using the game runs perfectly even on NVIDIA
Had to force openxr on steam vr settings or the game would recognize the headset (quest 2)
Basically confirming that it is a Nvidia issue. Did not work on my nvidia card a last time i tried but worked basically wothout issues with my amd card (the issue is expected by the game and it shows you what to do)
SteamVR crashes before the menu/statue appears.
Tried to run it with Proton Experimental and recommended by Steam which is 8.0-4 as well, it's the same every time, it will launch but will crash the whole SteamVR immediately before the menu/statue appears.
Freezes on initial "character pose" screen and crashes SteamVR.
Doesn't work on NVIDIA GPUs
Read title. I checked everything, poured through error logs for days. No clues. The only bit of evidence I could find supporting my conclusion is that a I found a consistent trend where AMD users can run this game and NVIDIA users can not. This goes for several other more recent VR titles such as BONE LAB, so I guess we VR people will just have to wait until NVIDIA drivers improve.
By the way, the info in my user profile is old. I used an RTX 3080 and tried MANY different NVIDIA drivers as well as proton versions on said driver versions. No luck with any of them, always crashes after the window appears.
Game Crashes everytime between the logo to the arms out
Kills SteamVR, however given that somebody found it playable seems like it's a variable. Maybe Linux Users should join the Dev's communication channels voting for supporting Linux.
Crashes before menu
tried experimental, next and GE. all do the same.
Stuck on loading menu
Switching to experimental makes the game crash on startup
Game was able to boot and I was able to perform some of the moveset. Did not try the multiplayer yet, still practising the game.
Stuck on loading splash for a few minutues, gave up after a while
tried also proton ge with the same results, could be my setup as alvr is not working great for me.