Played through the whole game with my kid with us each using a Xbox Series X|S controller.
Saw the Unity crash reporter pop up every time we ended the game via the menu's quit button, however, game progress was always saved so I never investigated.
Steam refresh rate = 45, TDP = 6
Refresh rate = 45, TDP = 6
The game was limited to 45fps anyway, but the CPU usage was way too high on default settings. Plays well with a TDP setting of 6.
If you enjoy playing a laggy game with 5 fps, even with a good computer, then this game might be for you.
No audio
Graphics are glitchy and laggy
Impossible to play. Game won't achieve more than 5 fps.
Game is completely broken on any of the steam tools that I tried.
- GE7-9
- GE7-0
- SteamPlay (default)
- Proton 5.x
Impossible to play.
I've tried with many of steam tools and it didn't seem to work out-of-the-box. Some more tinkering may be done to improve FPS, but that was out of my reach.
The game runs amazingly well and is extremely fun for couch co-op with a friend, partner or family member!
Sometimes there's a slight window of frame drops, otherwise runs perfectly out of the box.