Game started without any issues. Game played perfectly. 10/10 experience.
Sometimes (rarely) audio mutes ... Restart the game and it is OK.
5.11-GE-3-MF GloriousEggroll
Did not work properly with current default Proton 5.0-9. Crashes on video playback.
About 6 hours of play time with fiew hardware resets, after that reset at the same place every time
Screen Tearing
Fix for black screen hang: Start "Play Borderless Windowed Mode" and select "Windowed Display Mode" in game settings.
The main savegame was set to difficulty easy (before hard) after crash and reboot.
Hardware reset at the same place on "Risk" level.
Settings file corrupted after hardware reset.
Fix for black screen hang: Start "Play Borderless Windowed Mode" and select "Windowed Display Mode" in game settings.
Screen Tearing
4.20-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Used Proton 4.20-GE-1 which can be obtained at With standard Proton up to 4.11-9 the game has to be tweaked to work like described below. To use the GE releases just download the tar.gz and unpack it into:
If you use the Steam Flatpak release unpack into:
After a Steam reload you can select it in the games properties under "Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool.
Start the game with "Play Borderless Windowed Mode", otherwise the game most probably will hang with a black screen. Also select "Windowed Display Mode" in the game settings. Sometimes even then the game hangs at startup. Upgrade from Proton 4.11-5 to Proton 4.11-6 seemed to better the odds of loading through. Just keep trying. Once started, the game seemed stable to me. I just didn't play it for too long yet.. I will report again later.