-vulkan -high +violence_hblood 0
Audio output would sometimes switch when a new map loads.
Works fine out of the box. Tinkering might have actually made it perform worse from my runs.

Lighting bugs

runs perfectly other than some intermittent stuttering
intermittent stuttering

MANGOHUD_CONFIG='fps_limit=225,vsync=2,no_display' mangohud %command% -noreflex
Valve recommends playing with GSync + Vsync + Reflex. Unfortuantly, I was unable to get Nvidia Reflex to work. Using the launch commands with mangohud has provided the smoothest CS2 i have ever played. Try it out if you use VRR, hate tearing and want perfect frame pacing.

LD_PRELOAD="" gamescope -w 1280 -h 960 -S stretch -r 144 -f --rt --adaptive-sync --force-grab-cursor -- %command%
Last time I wasn't using gamescope and I was having really bad frametimes in this game, but after installing and setting up gamescope in the launch options, the game is so, so so much better in terms of stability and smoothness. You can also change the resolution, refresh rate, adaptive sync to your liking depending on your specs.

Severe issues with the game in terms of resolution and audio bugs. Definetely possible to get running in a good manner but a lot of work.
-w 1280 -h 640
Audio quality was severely degraded and 'Sounded like a McDonalds' headset.
Resolution would not properly change without manually chaning it in the launch options.

gamescope -h720 -H 1080 -S stretch -e -f -r 144.0 --force-grab-cursor --adaptive-sync --immediate-flips --mangoapp -- %command%
if you guys getting Graphical issues just try to use gamescope https://github.com/ValveSoftware/gamescope

LD_PRELOAD="" game-performance gamemoderun %command% -vulkan -high -nojoy -novid -maxVram=8192 -maxMem=16384
I had to set shader quality to low so I don't get random frame drops.
VRAM memory leak
LD_PRELOAD="" is a must; game-performance is for Cachy only so you can remove this if you are on another distro; If you experience random frame drops you should lower your shader quality; idk if limiting the VRAM and RAM does much for performance
Works great out of the box

LD_PRELOAD="" gamescope -f --force-grab-cursor -W 1920 -H 1080 -r 75 --mangoapp -- %command% -nojoy -novid
Without LD_PRELOAD="" the game freezes after a few minutes of gameplay
Stuttering after a couple of games makes the game unplayable.

Strong fps drops, freezes and sudden loss of sound at random moments during the game make the gaming experience simply disgusting. Even Proton-GE does not save this situation. On the same Windows I played on high graphics settings and here on low settings I have 40 fps +the problems I described above. Just awful.

on CacheOS when using Cosmic DE you need to go to Cosmic Settings > Display and in X11 Windows System Applicaiton Scaling set to Render X11 Applications at native resolution. Done :)
Use Fullscreen windowed

Runs Perfect
The only issues that I experience are when Valve patches and breaks the game temporarily.
radv_force_pstate_peak_gfx11_dgpu=false game-performance %command% -maxMem=15000k -USEALLAVAILABLECORES --force-grab-cursor

gamemoderun %command% -vulkan -high +mat_queue_mode 2 -refreshrate 144hz -threads 6 -forcepreload 1
Stretched Resolutions (1440x1080) with 144hz arent supported by default on Mint.
To play 1440x1080 with 144hz on Nvidia Open Nvidia Settings -> X Server Display Configuration -> Select your Screen -> Advanced -> Change "ViewPortIn" and "Panning" to "1440x1080" -> Apply -> Change the Resolution ingame.
You have to set and reset the Resolution every time you start and close the game, however you can automate that with a script.
constant heavy fps drops making the game unenjoyable to play without tinkering.
How to FIX: The Game performs very poor with cfs CPU Scheduler (the one Linux Mint comes with). I used Linux-tkg to swap the CPU Scheduler to pds. After that Performance seems to be on par with Windows.

+fps_max 120 -w 1152 -h 864 -r 75 -high -vulkan -limitvsconst +mat_queue_mode 2 LD_PRELOAD="" gamemoderun gamescope -maxMem=16384 -nojoy -novid -threads 10 -fullscreen -malloc=system -console +violence_hblood 0 +mat_disable_fancy_blending 1
Using Pipewire as launch options does not work. I need to use the Pipewire-PulseAudio
As by Github Valve Steam Issue Reports I suffer stuttering after a couple minutes of gameplay if the Steam Overlay is not activated. Activating the Steam Overlay seems to solve this as some cache gets cleared by that.
IMPORTANT: Launch options containing "%command%" cause the game to not even start since an update in February 2025. Remove it to get the game running again, yet, I dont know if the rest of the Launch option is working if you remove the %command% tag.
Overall: The iGPU is sufficent to get 50-100FPS on Office, but Dust II A Short drops the FPS down to Avg. 15-25. Jittering also is an issue with the iGPU sometimes. The CPU is running idle at ~30% so its no bottleneck. The game is not CPU intense (as other claimed), at least if your Graphicscard is the obvious bottleneck.
Overall I am not satisfied with the need to use Launch Parameters to get it to run, and the overall performance of the hardware is frustrating for gameplay: Which is sad considering CS:S runs with 200FPS on FullHD with the same hardware .
Valve needs to push the Linux Native version and needs to better support Wayland.
gamemoderun mangohud %command% -vulkan -high -nojoy -threads 8 -USEALLAVAILABLECORES +violence_hblood 0 -softparticlesdefaultoff -refresh 144
Sometimes when tabing out of the game the fps is stuck at 2 and i have to turn on/off nvidia reflex mode.

not as good as on windows but playable
slight stuttering

A few stutters, but otherwise runs as good/better than on windows
Occasional stutters that I didnt have on windows

Full screen showed my panels and docks. I use KDE Plasma, have to use Borderless.
After about an hour I rubberband in matches pretty hard. sometimes it will work itself out, sometimes it won't.
Runs well besides the random rubberbanding but I am unsure if i would or would not have that issue on windows.
Runs natively without nay tinkering
with discord open game very laggy 2fps and my pc crash after some time. BUT without discord open game works fine

Native port finally works out of the box without any tinkering
Significantly less performance than on Windows but not to the point where the game is unplayable. Keep that in mind if you're on weaker hardware. NVIDIA Reflex must stay disabled.
CS2 servers are still eh.
The issues with stuttering and perceived input lag that I used to have about a year ago are pretty much gone now, and the game is now perfectly playable. Still runs worse than Windows but I am still pushing 300FPS, even on full DM servers.
gamemoderun %command%
The performance of this game is most horrid. My FPS is ostensibly quite high, but it feels like a lot less. Something about frame timing….

gamemoderun mangohud SDL_VIDEO_MINIMIZE_ON_FOCUS_LOSS=0 %command% -vulkan -high -maxVram=8192
always starts in windowed (showing in oprions fullscreen, have to reapply)
For my system - Had to limit vram usage, must NOT be played on Wayland and Nvidia Reflex must be off. Then performance is great and there are no issues.
Network jitter, but game works.

Low FPS Low GPU Utilization Some animation is very slow
at main menu gpu utilization is [95% 1875 Mhz 155W] 85 fps
at game gpu utilizations drops to [35% 1350Mhz 50W] 25-45 fps
Looks like problem is related to Nvidia drivers but overall at native port FPS is significantly lower rather than Windows version

gamemoderun mangohud SDL_VIDEO_MINIMIZE_ON_FOCUS_LOSS=0 %command% -vulkan -high -maxMem=17200 maxVram=6192
always reverts to windowed (shows fullscreen in settings), have to change on every startup back to fullscreen
After a while random stutters are happening, I suspect due to vram usage? Not sure.
On wayland unplayable in any competetive sense. On x11 with nvidia reflex disabled good framerate, but after a while random stutters.

It runs decently, significantly less fps than Windows, but you need to add launch options
MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=zink LD_PRELOAD="" SDL_VIDEO_MINIMIZE_ON_FOCUS_LOSS=0 mangohud game-performance %command% -nojoy -novid -high -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -malloc=system -maxVRAM=7168
Fullscreen is causing the fps to drop.
There are some situations where the frametime starts fluctuating randomly but it gets back to normal most of the time...
As I already said before, there are moments when the fps and frametime start to drop without any reason making the experience bad.
I would say that for someone who currently wants the best performance out of their hardware, I would recommend sticking with Windows for the time being. However, Linux is getting better and better on the gaming side, and that's noticeable over time. Me personally, a year ago when I tried Linux (Arch-Linux), I couldn't play cs2 at all because of stuttering and input lag and that has changed now and in a pleasant and surprising way for me. I also recommend to try distributions like CachyOS, Bazzite or even Nobara for an out of the box experience without too many headaches

gamemoderun LD_PRELOAD="" %command% -nojoy
Crashed a few times in menus, but LD_PRELOAD="" seemed to fix the issue.

gamemoderun %command% -vulkan -high -nojoy -threads 32 -USEALLAVAILABLECORES
Works better than in windows

gamemoderun LD_PRELOAD="" %command% -maxVram=6000 gamescope -e --force-grab-cursor --expose-wayland -f -r 75 -- env LD_PRELOAD=./libsuperblt_loader.so %command%
Game opening as Windowed after game restart.
Game seems to have RAM leak and network problems, after few minutes of match I had network jitter problem (not caused by my network). After 30-40 minutes, game is starting to lose frames (I had ~200fps average at the begging of match, ~130fps average on end). I think framerates issues are caused by shitty vulkan implementation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iku1wQTI7fg - For those who want scaled game (4:3) on Wayland but display settings do not provide your favorite resolution, or otherwise if they do, they don't have desired refresh rate.

Відсутнє програмне забезпечення для налаштувань ігрових мишок. Відсутнє програмне забезпечення платформ FaceIt та ESEA.
Бувало, що пропадав звук під час гри
Ігрова мишка на частоті 2000 МГц працює неадекватно (змінюється горизонтальне і вертикальне переміщення)
Після різкого падіння FPS відбувалось зависання ноутбуку
Works out of the box

gamemoderun LD_PRELOAD="" %command% -maxVram=5120 -refresh 144 gamescope -e --force-grab-cursor --expose-wayland -f -r 144 -- env LD_PRELOAD=./libsuperblt_loader.so %command%
Sometimes works, sometimes buggy. Had to add a Virtual Source and Virtual Sink for a big pro audio interface running on pipewire.
Blurriness on some textures
Heavy stuttering, if ran without Vram limit, using 100% GPU Memory
Wayland mode unusable, overlay either slows game down and when disabled cant buy keys for example.
Only runs on Xwayland with bad performance, VRam usage completely through the roof, unplayable natively on wayland, infinite shader compiling times (uses 100% CPU, can be temporarily solved by removing directories in shadercache)