Not connetcing to Steam server
works out of the box
works with esc of some reason
Warns about the anti cheat at startup, but runs fine anyway. Just dismiss the error.
Surprisingly you can play online matches in this game despite EAC
Occasional stutters
Works perfectly! Make sure you're using Proton 5.13-6, newer versions seem to be broken
Full screen does not scale properly (doesn't stretch) when setting a non native aspect ratio (4:3, 16:10, etc.)
__GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATION=1 __GL_SHADER_DISK_CACHE_PATH=/home/rtrindade/.nv_cache/quantum_league gamemoderun %command%
- EAC crashes, but the game still loads
- Tutorial does not work. Game freezes on loading screen
- You can't avoid tutorial. Not a bug, but annoying
You can actually play random games, if you're fast enough to press the play button before the tutorial message shows. However you can't choose what type of game you want to play, or to play with your friends
Only the 1st tutorial is playable, 2nd crash and that's it.
The game dosen't get to the menu due to EAC launch fail.
Easy anti cheat doesn't launch
None of the above eliminated encountered difficulties.
If WINED3D used playable game renders somewhat dark and brownish, hard to navigate through the level. Default Vulkan render runs fine.
Probably shader caching, but too little gameplay to judge
In the 2nd tutorial the game just stops on black screen and won't load any further.
tl;dr: EAC will let you through to start tutorials, but second tutorial won't fire up (can't bet right now, but I think that one was just a video tutorial course? Perhaps that's the source of problem.)