Works great out of the box.
(GOG version) Works good
Played GOG version with Proton 7.0-1.
Lower graphic settings and disable all the fancy stuff ingame. Runs butter smooth afterwards.
In the launcher, revert from "Fantastic" to "Fast" graphics settings for a smooth experience. Otherwise, you will have very severe slowdown and lag. I also disabled Super Sampling, Vsync, and Anti-Aliasing in the ingame settings menu. After this was done.. the game will run smoothly with no issues.
I did not "thoroughly" test everything, but based on my initial tests, I do not anticipate any issues with Multi.
Had to add the parameter TZ=America/New_York to get it to start, but after that everything works properly
I had to add the launch option TZ=America/New_York for the game to run, otherwise it got stuck on the loading screen with empty loading bars (an error like this affects several other Unity games). After that the game runs with no apparent issues.
Had an issue where the game didn't start. Managed to track down the issue and it was because I installed the game on a ntfs drive. Switch the install over to my main drive and all good. Not before I reinstalled mint thinking it was some sort of driver issue...
Almost 100 hours played in Early Access across multiple games. Finished a game. Not a single problem.
Tested with "DXVK_HUD=full" option
Have tested most alpha releases. All worked perfectly. 60hours+ playtime.
Since it's still a demo, can't claim that everything will work when it's complete. But I've played through it 6 times already, and it ran flawlessly.