On proton 8.0-4 the camera started spinning around without touching the controller. Forcing compatibility to proton 6.3-8 solves this issue and the camera stops rotating on its own.
changed right joy to mouse for panning. first slider to 80%
Controller support for the game has borked on linux (spinning camera) and windows (cam angled down)
Controller is borked on the game itself. need to use keyboard setting in game and a keyboard layout like N1GHTs
You have to manually rebind camera controls
Game runs fine except for the controller issue
The camera was spinning when using my controller.
For some odd reason, the camera keep spinning, seems a problem with the game itself and not necessary with proton
Game works great when played on keyboard and mouse, great experience.
Joystick did not work correctly, when changed the view mode the camera is locked under the character making it difficult to see the game.