Main menu video doesn't play and just displays a black screen.
Game works fine. Absolutely playable. Used Proton 7.0-5 Flatpak community build.
Very infrequent artifacts in text boxes in arcade mode (e.g.
Most text boxes are fine, just sometimes a letter or two is placed closer than it should be or is partially duplicated
Default Proton (7.0-5 at this time) plays the opening movie now, but seems to have hung on attempting to load the character select screen (going into arcade mode and selecting a difficulty)
It works mostly fine, save for a problem with the controller I tried to use.
For some reason, my controller's D-Pad wasn't recognized (I was using a PS3 controller). Everything else worked fine, though.
It worked perfectly to me (including the opening video), save for the problem with my PS3 controller's D-Pad. So, if you don't care about that, you can probably play just fine.
To enabled the opening FMV, use: protontricks 550340 lavfilters
the main menu video dont work but just press a the menu will come up rest works as it should
the video playing in the start menu dont work

yes you can install it useing these thing fixes then yes. it runs as it should for me. the opening video worked and so,
Proton-5.9-GE-6-ST GloriousEggroll just clone this and use install it the wineprefix that steam made for the game. Remember you need start teh game one time so the prefix gets created
unsure if it fully saves you keyboard config as it should when i tryed to play online my C button did not work. it crashes with a error EVERY time you close the game about you played
i might miss soemthing for i did not play to much and i only used keyboard due to i get a linux problem with my stick that when i use a controller at times 6 4 inputs are not regristrated so not sure if its diffrent in the controll settings if you use a stick instead of keyboard. but other then that it works really well. you can use the normal proton version for it loads up and thn when the video load you get a crash. but when it updated higher then 5.9.6 its allways worth trying.

it started getten error cant render out source pin. and then closes itself with a japanese error after that i can read for i get no japanese unicode installed

As mentioned; must launch in fullscreen + ditch opening cinematic, after that, playing in single-player works fine. No success was had trying to emulate a virtual desktop to circumvent the fullscreen requirement, although I still believe it to be possible. (I tried using this argument in the launch options to various bad affects, then tried winecfg in the prefix, but it seemed to do nothing.)

Able to see mangagamer logo, 7th expansion logo, hear 7th expansion and see loading. Finally the following error message appears: Could not render source output pin! hr=0x80040218 Disbale Esync and D3d11, use Wine D3d11 doesn't work.

Crashes on launch unless you rename/delete the opening video (probably missing WMP codecs), crashes if you try to play it windowed. The opening video is also part of the main menu so it will display an error message in japanese asking you to install video codecs instead. The music will often play wrong and distorted. This is barely playable.

Opening does not work and crashes the game, you must rename it to something else. You also have to play in fullscreen mode otherwise the game will crash. And the game doesn't render the font correctly.