Set Left Trackpad to hold right-click on touch
When starting the game for the first time you get a config window with the game's settings where you can increase the graphics quality to "Fantastic".
There is no option to save your progress, so you have to complete the game in one go. That takes about 2 hours.
Works well.
The game doesn't save progress, but it's not a proton defect, it's how the game works, so much so that the game saves my language.
The game would be perfectly playable if games could be saved and loaded, even considering the occasional crash.
"How to Play" menu appears to be missing pictures, or perhaps just artifacts.
I'm a bit unclear if this game actually supports savegames. I could not continue my game after closing the game normally, or after crashes. No obvious menu items for saving a game is present.
Crashed after ~2 hours of continuous play.

Launches to the configuration screen, pressing play hangs.
No version of proton and no set of launch options managed to get this thing working. It'll boot to (what I believe to be) the unity configuration menu (where you can select graphics quality and resolution), and hitting "play" (with any settings) launches the window to a black screen or just nothing, and hangs indefinitely. No audio or anything.