Fix font sizing: protontricks 454530 -q corefonts gdiplus
Lower screen resolution for graphical scaling, note some window popups (e.g. save game) can interfere with tiling window managers
Video tutorials do not work Turn calculations can become very slow but I think this is the same on Windows
Use protontricks to fix font issues
Getting protontricks to run (correct version etc) was possible, but awkward -- too much trouble for a typical gamer
As suggested by BalzA, with those changes to gdiplus and corefonts, the game fonts are the correct size. Game performance is good, exiting sometimes works without need of alt-tabbing to steam to kill it.
Requires protontricks for gdiplus and corefonts
Goto "$steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/454530/pfx/dosdevices/c:/windows/" and delete gdiplus.dll from system32 and syswow64 folders. Then run the following protontricks:
"protontricks 454530 gdiplus"
"protontricks 454530 corefonts"
The above steps will fix the font issue (font too big) and the speed of the game
If the game is launched without using Protontricks, the fonts will be too large and the game will be slightly sluggish but playable
Too slow to be enjoyable
Extremely slow
The font issue is distracting, but the game is playable. Exiting the game does not work normally.
The user interface font (menus, buttons) is replaced by a too large, pixelated font. Other fonts are ok.
Exiting the game did not work, had to task switch to Steam and stop it from there.
Tested with Proton 6.3.7 - first time the game even starts for me.
Game doesn't start
Initial menu, intro and main menu works. Then loading the game got an error : [Argument 'Expression' cannot be converted to type 'System.Int32'] and a bunch of details mainly with /share/wine/mono/wine-mono-5.1.1/lib/mono/gac/Microsoft.VisualBasic .../System .../System.Windows.Forms .../System.Drawing .../System.Configuration .../Accessibility .../Microsoft.VisualC
Launcher works, game crashes when loading.
I think some dotnet dependencies are killing it
Opening window comes up, but nothing happens after hitting play.
Games own launcher appears, can be used to view errata etc, launching the game fails