gamemoderun %command%
Capped at 30 FPS, even with Vsync and FPS cap off
Not much tinkering, really, but some C++ Redistributables had to be installed. Launching the game prompted this automatically, however.
Game installed fine but didn't launch with steams recommended / automatically selected Proton version, worked just fine with Proton-GE though.
After several minutes kill EpicOnlineServicesInstaller process, then after several minutes kill process after finishing DXSETUP and game starts. Otherwise setup lasts for hours...
Played with Proton 8.0-3.
fps is near 30.
Pouco problema de desempenho. Problemas de mínimos de desempenho por provavel estado do jogo e não por causa de rodar no linux.
Fullscreen funciou porém ultrawide ficou achatado.
The game is innovative, and I'm sure RPG lovers will love this game.
Too much lag, and my dualsense was not recognised.
fps was limited to 10fps after the arena was created.
The current state of the game does not give access by settings a manual modification, because it is beta, the fps is still very unstable, I will test in my steam deck and will make a new review.