Multiple Proton versions including Experimental and HotFix
This would time out and crash each attempt, no matter the settings.
Game started fine but very slow, around 20fps, but got better as I continued to play. Loading between save points would cause the game to freeze and sometimes crash. Re-entering the game and attempting to load any save files resulted in the game crashing, rendering it unplayable from then on.
When attempting to load any save files the game would time out and crash.

Launches just fine. Runs without issue.
On max graphics, my average FPS was around 80-100. I've never tried this game on Windows, so I can't compare it against that, but I would have liked for the averages to be a little higher.
That being said, I can assume frametimes were stable, and there was no stuttering or hitches. For a game like this, the sub-display refresh rate performance does not matter. It's still extremely terrifying, and super atmospheric.