Could not open the game. I pressed run and it crashed immidietly.
The developers have chosen not to enable linux support for EAC.
The problem isn't that the game is using EAC, but that the developers have chosen not to enable linux support for EAC from the EAC partner site and bundle the appropriate .so file with the game to trigger Proton EAC to launch with the game. I highly advise you ask the developers in the steam forums to enable this, as the process has been made increadibly easy by Valve.
eac won't let me get into the game.
It opens the game, I can change settings and see the server list. But when I connect to a server, I get kicked out saying that EAC isn't running (client null). Even though eac's loading screen shows up during load time.
EAC Kicks you out
Anti-Cheat strikes once again
Hopefully they'll allow Linux users in the future
EAC is not enabled for Demo
EAC garbage
all linux g*mers are cheaters i guess?
Proton EAC support is not enabled.
Game is multiplayer and Utalizes EAC, whch promptly nukes the game
Don't bother
Kicked from servers after few seconds because of anticheat (EAC)
Unplayable because of anticheat
Loads into the game then kicks me out due to anti cheat
fix it please I really like this game and it makes me really sad, easy anti cheat super non work please fix :D valorant anti cheat chinese kernel mode :D