Steam OS 3.7.1 Fixes most crashing problems as far as I can tell. Audio almost immediately had problems either cutting out, crackling, or just cutting dialogue.
Sometime the map fails to load and you have to restart the game to get it back
getting anywhere from 15-40 fps depending on the area

Game eventually loses all audio, then starts freezing for long periods requiring a restart, tends to happen in cutscenes or when opening men
FSR, Lowered Settings, Set the GPU to 1600
Game eventually loses all audio, then starts freezing for long periods requiring a restart, tends to happen in cutscenes or when opening menus.
Game eventually loses all audio, then starts freezing for long periods requiring a restart, tends to happen in cutscenes or when opening menus.
Game eventually loses all audio, then starts freezing for long periods requiring a restart, tends to happen in cutscenes or when opening menus.
Game eventually loses all audio, then starts freezing for long periods requiring a restart, tends to happen in cutscenes or when opening menus.
Game eventually loses all audio, then starts freezing for long periods requiring a restart, tends to happen in cutscenes or when opening menus.

game it is running but i have no controlls,at all...ive tried with diff settings,even with one from comunity butill nothing.pls any ideea?
experimental proton
just hope at the moment

30Hz Refresh Rate / 1400Mhz GPU
If the audio for the dialog stops playing, then the game will usually crash shortly thereafter. Happened some early in the game, but frequently during the Burnish Shores DLC.
Update to my previous entry with a lot more playtime on the Deck. Playable for certain, but ultimately I think the game is pushing the limits of the SD hardware.
Performance Tips on Steam Deck
Game consistently gets better frame pacing, and often 2-3 FPS higher when manually setting the GPU clock to 1400MHz.
- Base Game: Set TDP to 13W.
- Burning Shores DLC: The Deck needs the full 15W TDP.
- The base game and DLC have fundamentally different hardware requirements and Steam Deck performance.
- Both are mostly playable at 25-30 FPS, with dips into the high teens to low twenties during:
- Large cinematic cutscenes.
- Fights against large machines.
Settings can help mitigate dips, but expect sub-30 FPS when it really matters most (e.g., Apex Thunderjaw fights or the boss fight in Burning Shores).
This can make the gameplay frustrating when the Deck struggles to maintain 22-24 FPS.
Opinions on FSR
- Drawbacks:
- Item drop icons become blurry beyond recognition.
- Machines in the distance are blurry.
- The glider looks messy.
- Aloy's hair appears weird.
- FSR was avoided for most of the game but became necessary towards the end of the DLC to maintain low 20s FPS.
Issues with Frame Generation
- Frame generation provides higher FPS but introduces:
- Visual artifacts around the HUD area that looks like screen tearing.
- Input lag and acceleration issues, making aiming difficult.
- FPS still drops into the low 30s during big fights (~15-20fps native), rendering it ineffective.
Stability Issues
- If dialog audio stops working, or the map only shows a black screen, the game is likely to crash within the next few minutes. Tested with Proton 8, 9, and GE-9.
Recommended Settings
Base Game
- Graphics: Low Preset
- Display Resolution: 1280x800
- Dynamic Resolution Scaling: Off
- Anti-Aliasing: SMAA
- Upscale Method: Off
- Frame Generation: Off
Burning Shores DLC
- Graphics: Very Low Preset
- Display Resolution: 1280x800
- Dynamic Resolution Scaling: Off
- Anti-Aliasing: FSR3
- Upscale Method: FSR3
- Upscale Quality: Ultra Performance
- Frame Generation: Off

It's not the best experience. SD Setting are max 30FPS, but my SD LCD is frequently in the mid-20's.
Definitely playable, but expect to play in the 26-30 fps range.
I tinkered with the settings a lot, testing various combinations of dynamic scaling, FSR and framegen. Too much input lag and FSR blurriness for my preferences, so FSR & framegen off.

Андервольт: CPU -50 GPU -50
Видеоядро ставим на лок 1600 MHz
Иногда при смене режима на "оконный", окно открывалось не центрированно по экрану, а уползало "за края". В таком случае помогало включить/выключить "Вертикальную синхронизацию".
Сначала только тач-скрин. Нашёл телеграм канал, в котором парень создал текстовый файл в корневой папке игры и всё заработало. Ищите его на видеохостингах или телеграмме.
На больших открытых локациях идут просадки фпс вплоть до 15 FPS. С этим ничего не поможет, т.к. просто не хватает мощности процессора
Устройство - Steam Deck Oled. Версия игры - 1.5.8. Версия SteamOS - 3.15.19 Установлены:
- Decky Loader - PowerTools (Governor - "Performance")
- CryoUtilities (рекомендуемые настройки, файл подкачки - 16Гб)
- ProtonUp-Qt
- Видеопамять увеличена в BIOS до 4Гб.
Ставим лок на 30 FPS.
Выставляем настройки: Режим экрана - "Полноэкранный"; Разрешение - "1280х800"; Соотношение сторон - "Авто"; Вертикальная синхронизация - "Вкл"; Способ масштабирования - "AMD FSR 3"; Качество масштабирования - "Качество/баланс" (в зависимости от нагруженности сцены); Качество текстур - "Средн."; Фильтрация текстур - "Анизотропная 8х/16х"; Качество теней - "Очень низк."; Тени в экранном пространстве - "Выкл"; Затенение фонового цвета - "SSAO"; Отражения в экранном пространстве - "Откл"; Детализация - "Средн."; Лица в видеороликах - "Производительность"; Качество волос - "Средн."; Качество людей - "Средн./Низк."; Качество рельефа - "Низк."; Качество воды - "Низк."; Качество облаков - "Низк."; Качество прозрачности - "По умолчанию"; Карты паралакса - "Выкл."; Поле зрения - "-15%"; Глубина резкости - "Откл."; Эффект скорости - "0"; Резкость - по вкусу, у меня "4"; Виньетирование - "Вкл." (вкусовщина, но я рекомендую включить, т.к. картинка, на мой взгляд, становится чуть более контрастной/глубокой).
- Долго сравнивал включенный FSR через "режим окна" и "Полноэкранный" на 1280х800. Разницы в производительности не было, только картинка отвратительная;
- Температуры у меня в маленьких локациях - 50-55гр, в больших до 70-71гр (и на CPU, и на GPU);
- Автономность на данных настройках около 2 часов;
- Играть комфортно, к периодическим заиканиям - привыкается. В случае сильных просадок и Вашего успокоения понижайте указанные выше настройки. Но смысла не будет или будет незначительный;
- В некоторых кат-сценах будут серьёзные просадки. Рекомендую перетерпеть/временно понизить настройки (это не исправит ситуацию, но может облегчить) Хорошей игры и удачи!

with the latest 1.5 patch you can easily reach 60fps during normal gameplay (all low settings, FSR3 frame gen enabled). you can even reach 90fps incertain cases. its honestly impressive what they were able to squeeze out of the steamdeck.

Limit to 30 fps
Initial small text, fixed with one of the updates where you can scale the text
Only sometimes, most of the times it's okay
On rare occasions, when you push the graphics too high, you will run into memory issues which can freeze the game
Finished the (main) game in 118h on the deck, so very much playable. But don't expect stable 30 fps if you don't want to compromise too much on graphics. Even with lower settings it's still a beautiful game, though.

TDP 13
Hard to see objectives at times.
Sometimes when fast traveling, the audio will go mute.
Give the Steam Deck a full reboot before launching the game. Occasionally would crash the entire OS and reboot.
After the update and running Proton Experimental, it seems to stay mostly stable at 30FPS while out in the open on the Forbidden West. Settings are on low with the dynamic FPS targets 30FPS.
Game is playable with sacrifice to quality that can make it hard to make out objects in the distance. Otherwise, very tolerable to play. It's the perfect companion to play on the go or in bed if you mainly play this on your PC.

Perhaps some writing is a bit small but generally not an issue
Occasional framerate drops but nothing too bad
It runs great and I'd highly recommend it. I play 100% handheld on my OLED and am happy. I ran around 30-35 FPS initially and made a few in-game graphics tweaks and can now get 30-40, perhaps up 45 FPS. Regardless, I highly recommend it and it works a great handheld without any messing with settings.

With Proton / non-GE, turning your view 90 degrees let to short a mushy appearance of your aurroundings before it cleared up again. Does not seem to happen with GE
Quitting the game leads to a crash & crash report window
Lovely to be able to join Aloy & friends once more! I tried the default settings with upscaling from 1024x768 with Proton Exeprimemtal, which worked all right (40 FPS). With Proton GE I run it at full resolution at 35-40 FPS & FSR set to "quality". Let's see how this holds up in the more complex areas, but so far so good 🤙

30 Hz.
Good port of Nixxes. Playable from start to finish on average settings at 30 FPS for a Steam Deck. You can set the game on very high for photo mode.

The game is playable as launched on Steam Deck. No slowdown or issues that I've come across in the first couple hours.
Inverted Y-Axis
Lowered Graphics to Low Settings
If you've played Horizon: Zero Dawn on Steam Deck, you already know what to expect. If anything, Forbidden West runs more efficiently.

At very low, you can get away with a pretty reliable 30 with the dynamic res scaler. The start, used the default settings and got ~45 FPS, but it got much more unreliable once the game opened up. It's playable, but you'll have to deal with iffy textures. It also stutters a bit, and becomes a fuzzy mess because of the dynamic res scaler.

Game is playable at LOW settings locked to 30FPS. CMVs are the choppiest thing you'll see, they stutter more than the gameplay does.
Upon arriving in a city the audio didn't load in initially but worked fine on restart.

Proton Experimental
Increased subtitle size in games settings.
Only during cutscenes.
Framerate drops below 20fps in cutscenes and crashed on opening cutscene with credits.
Still early, maybe some hotfix or patch to game or proton specifically for Steam Deck/ Linux may arrive in future? Playable as is for now.

40 hz, very low settings
I suspect perfomance will improve with updates and also a more optimized setup beyond very low, but otherwise its a great way to continue on the couch or in bed from a primary setup.

Steam Deck is really at the limit here, Lowest settings plus Upscaling just about manages to keep it above 30 FPS most of the time
Another great Nixxies PC port, Steam Input integration is just as top notch as in Horizon Zero Dawn (you can directly map game actions, and gyro aiming is a good strategy again).
The Steam Deck hardware is really struggeling with this one though, it just about runs, but don't expect too much.

Possible due to FSR
Lowest possible setting give ~30 fps
Runs good one main machine (rx9700xtx, 78003D, 4k 60fps ultra) but almost unplayable on Deck.