Native Support
Although this game has a Linux-native build available, Steam does not list it as having Linux support. This can happen if a game has an unofficial, unfinished, or unsupported build. You may need to force Steam to enable Proton for the game in order to run properly.
I'd say that (at least the playtest) needs some polishing, I hope they'll fix it in the final product.
It just happens every so often.
Mouse seemed to be a bit 'behind'. Like a TINY delay?
It is playable, but the sound crackling made me quit the game, I hate that.
MANGOHUD=1 gamemoderun %command%
- When starting the game: 180-240fps, on Medium 1080p (with occasional stutters to 150fps)
- After dying, the game's fps would tank in the range of 30-70fps
- The only way to regain the performance was to restart the game after dying
Note: I have only played the Playtest on 1080p Medium.
When starting the game, I would hover around 180-240fps, with occasional stutters to ~150fps (similar performance to Windows).
Once I died and have been sent back to the menu, the performance would tank down to 30-70fps (I'd have to restart the game to regain the performance)
gamemoderun %command% -dx11
This game did not initially choose the correct GPU I had the IGPU enabled for some troubleshooting forever ago and it kept choosing that.
Disabled in the iGPU in my BIOS allowed it to use my Dedicated GPU with no issues
Demo Runs Perfectly however the Play test plays at 1 FPS in menus and switching to DX12 it dies on startup and freezes my PC
gamemoderun %command%
Demo Fun Playtest doesn't work
Works OOB for both Demo and the Playtest
Played the demo for a few hours and it runs the same as it does on my friends' computers on Windows.
A fun little game that's kinda buggy but that's on all systems as it's still early in dev
Runs perfectly normal!