In case you get a black screen or nothing on startup, just relaunch the game

Imagine being in a boss room with a party, and you have to force stop the game because it loads forever... Unacceptable in a MMORPG.
every now and then, at loading screens, it either loads forever, or give me network problems and I get expelled.. After being expelled, it also loads forever instead of redirecting me to the title screen.
Quite slow to load, unacceptable freezes and some kind of network truobles.
Use Proton experimental with installation on SD Card

Game works and is relatively stable, but there is a softlock early on
Once the first "Argo" quest is oveer and the shop opens, it does not load and restarting the game asks "Ready. Close notice to continue" but no notice (dialog) ever opens and just has a infinite loading circle (unable to continue further)
Proton Experimental only has a black-screen when started, switched to 8.0-3

The game was ported from android to PC. Played this game on mobile like crazy back then and now its on PC, I now enjoy it even more...
The Black Screen Bug - this bug can also be found happening on windows... the first time you open up the game, it will either open up normally or you will be welcomed by a black screen, to fix it, you just need to close the game and open it again... also, I found another user saying to disable "Steam Overlay"... I cant find where that comment from that user now but yeah, it works... at least thats what I did and it worked
Fun game : D

only install on SD card if install SSD it dont want to work
only when install on SSD on steam deck it has be on SD to work