Extremely bad stuttering on native, very ocassional stutters on proton
Other people have reported stutters, so it may just be a normal problem for the game, but on native they would happen every 20ish seconds whereas on proton they happened very infrequently for the first while and then stopped altogether later in the session.
If you still wish to try native on wayland, you need to use WINIT_UNIX_BACKEND=x11 %command%
as a launch command or the game will never appear.

Runs without any issue in Proton. Solid 144 FPS with occasional spikes.
The game has a handful of issues running natively in Wayland, so Proton is the way to go IMO.

Works mostly fine native running on Wayland (Plasma 6.0.5), but only via Gamescope. Some input-related bugs. Didn't try X11.
gamescope -r 144 -b -- %command%
Mouse Wheel Up was seemingly inputting both up and down at the same time, making it impossible to cycle inventory and conversation choices backward. I could tell since the inventory switch sound was louder when trying to cycle backward, indicating that it was playing twice.
As reported by another user, the game will crash before the main menu if running native on Wayland. I was able to work around this by using Gamescope, which was also necessary to set a framerate limit to work around the game's lack of built-in limiter.
Other than some occasional hitching (which may just be the game) and the odd mouse-wheel input bug my overall experience was completely fine. Panning the map is a bit broken in Wayland/Gamescope as well.
These bugs don't manifest when running via Proton nor is Gamescope necessary, so it might be worth it to just play via Proton.
WINIT_UNIX_BACKEND=x11 %command%

[Demo] Just works
Sound and other stuff works. But FPS is uncaped, so it shows up 350+ FPS and eats whole GPU, despite no need of such waste of resourece. So my fan had to kick in full throttle.
Starts with no audio, then crashes after main menu

Needs text input via STEAM+X combo for onscreen keyboard.
Doesn't resume from sleep correctly.
Fall through floors.