Delete font_e.ttf from the main game folder.
Couldn't get the font fixed, but the guy that suggested "deleting the file: font_e.ttf from the main game folder." was on point, and the game runs flawlessly now.
Instant crashing from "Missing Font Roboto Condensed". Solved by deleting the file: font_e.ttf from the main game folder.

Installed the roboto font family from the nixos repo
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
Some of the text was still in chinese, and they were using a really terrible font. After 30 minutes of playing all of the text is in english.
Install the roboto font guys

Missing font Roboto Condensed, game crashes upon selecting English
Font error with Roboto Condensed. Works on steamdeck but not my main PC

once you choose a language an error message appears saying "Font 'Roboto Condensed' cannot be found"
Font 'Roboto Condensed' cannot be found.
Not sure exactly what causes this, but I am attempting alternate methods of launching the game and messing with files to see if anything might work. could be a simple fix, or something bigger.