Near perfect game for the Steam Deck. I played in fact for some 31 hours, mostly offline.
One or two pixel-wide lines are misaligned during cutscenes. Barely noticeable.

Audio crackle happens twice in 30 hours game time, when it happens you will need to restart the game then the crackling is gone.
It can slow down to low 50 fps for no reason but it's very rare, happened only twice in my 21 hours of play time and for a pixel 2D game it uses quite a lot of battery, on full charge it runs for less than 3 hours and when I try to limit the TDP to 8W it won't even run at 60fps. 4x fps at 5W and 5x fps at 8W.
Turned black screen once, and there was a few times upon quitting the game, the screen turns white with Penitent one avatar on the screen with a loading bar under the avatar. the loading bar stucks over 3 mins, sometimes it does quit the game back to SteamOS interfact, sometimes the loading bar stuck and had to force shutdown steamdeck by holding the power button and power on again.

TDP to 5 Watts
Played the whole game on the Deck, 0 issues, problems or anything of note. Changed TDP to 5W, still got 60 fps in every part of the game (including every boss fight and big setpiece). No text issues either. Conclusion: Made for the Deck.

16:9 only
Played for three hours, no problems so far.

It's a great game in the same line of the original Blasphemous. It's beautiful, and the music is incredible.
It feels sluggish, but nothing that makes it unplayable

I didn't even tweak anything. Cutscenes works out of the box, unlike the first one. Run and enjoy.

I haven't played much, but I wanted to give an early report to help others (currently, there are no other reports, and it is still pending official Steam Deck Verification). It played great and I had no issues in the time I played. No tinkering required.
I will update when I play more/if I run into issues/when I finish the game.