Works like a charm. Sadly my old save file from windows would not work though.
Game window won't open
I have tried changing proton versions 9.0-2 | Experimental | 8.0-5 | 7.0-6 | 6.3-8 | 5.13-6 | 5.0-10 The same thing happens Rogue Tower starts like any game but no window apper and like 3-5 seconds after in steam it auto cloes so I can click play again
Game runs well if you disreagard the scaling issue
The UI is quite small and some text is unreadable. UI scaling pushes stuff out of view and doesnt scale everything.
The game saves to the registry and has no save cloud, which can lead to loss of the save file.
Personally had fun with the game on Deck, but wouldnt recommend you playing it on a portable system if you want easy shareable save files.
Likely will need launch options to work correctly as it seems to launch in windowed mode by default with no way to adjust ingame
had a few jitters and slowness.
Wasn't working before, but after a new set of drivers/configs dropped for NVIDIA it seems to be working now.
After Unity/Die of Death splash logo CPU goes to 100% and title screen never loads.
Unable to run, unfortunately no information seemingly available for this issue.
the game does not support cloud savings. Be careful, before you change the proton version!
works perfectly fine
-screen-fullscreen 1
No menu to control fullscreen/borderless etc. I have to use a launch option.
Works as expected with no tweaks
gamemoderun %command%
Other than the fonts being too small, works wonders
Very small and difficult to read UI
Game ran fine on default Proton settings
Disregard the hefty GPU requirement, even running on proton!
Surprisingly good for integrated gfx
If you've only got an integrated chip but it's decent (just peek at my specs), you can probably still run this game. It doesn't fly by any means but certainly playable all the way through level 45 at least on single defense! I was surprised.
Text was difficult to read, however I was able to zoom in and out to read things better if needed.
Takes some getting used to the controls but it's playable and didn't run into any major issues.
Pretty good support. At one moment I forgot whether I was on Windows or Linux. (system is dualboot)
Occasional stutters when many enemies on screen
-screen-width 2560 -screen-height 1440 -screen-fullscreen 0
Use launch options to escape fullscreen
Works lika a charm
Works like a charm
Didn't have to fiddle with settings other than force use proton
P.S. Banger OST
Unity logo + splashscreen then nothing besides a gray screen and some music.
Error: Failed to initialize Error
i'me running proton and getting following error: Failed to initialize graphics. Make sure you have DirectX 11 installed, have up to date drivers for your graphics card and have not disabled 3D acceleration in display settings. InitializeEngineGraphics failed
It worked without doing anything other than forcing the use of Proton in the game properties
Window on not preferred screen. Used -screen-width 1920 -screen-height 1080 -screen-fullscreen 0
Proton-7.0rc6-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
For window: -screen-width 1920 -screen-height 1080 -screen-fullscreen 0
Default windowed had aliasing issues, forced run with -screen-height 1920 -screen-width 1080 -screen-fullscreen 0
cleaned it up a lot..
Unity and developer splash screens, but then nothing.
Works out of the box just great!
Initially couldn't choose windowed mode, but there are launch commands to get around this:
-screen-width 1280 -screen-height 720 -screen-fullscreen 0