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Could not acquire information for App ID: . This can happen if a game was removed from the store.Strange gold bloor efect like it

Would probably play as good as native if the lighting wasn't broken
A bloom-like effect where lighting doesn't get redrawn properly

With Debian bullseye Mesa 20.x GPU stay low frequency and low usuage all the time, 500MHz ~0%.
If camera view including very far objects fps will run very low, around 5fps and camera shaking crazy, but if camera face close objects like just looking at ground or wall fps is around 30~40.
Using higher Mesa version(only tried 22.x maybe 21.x is able do the same) will fix low fps, but fps is not high as expected, fps jumping around 110 with 2K resolution, and title screen fps is stable 30fps not sure if its intented, GPU frequecy and usage is higher but not stable, around 500-2000MHz, 20-50% usage. Another problem is tree and grass are flickering, disable AA can fix grass but tree stay same.
I tried this PPA

Some weird artifacts on the initial load screen, but so work working perfectly
Game wouldn't launch unless set to windows 8 compability (same thing happened to me on windows. Follow these instructions:

Unable to lauch the game because of OS version
Lauching the game with PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command% got me to a message saying unsupported OS version please check Windows update
launching without NVAPI simply failed at creating a video device

One of the intro credits videos artifacted like a TV bars test image. Others were fine.

Depth of field looked like absolute trash but I don't know if that's to do with proton or not.
In order to have the demo run you need to use proton experimental and edit the config.ini to manually change the resolution by replacing the first two lines under [Application] with: ScreenMode=Borderless Resolution=1920x1080
When done correctly your config.ini should look as follows: [Render] PCTargetAPIFallback=Disable Capability=DirectX12 TargetPlatform=DirectX12 [Application] ScreenMode=Borderless Resolution=1920x1080 GraphicPresetOption=0 AspectRatioOption=0
The game launches with a black screen but after a minute the loading screen appears. I could not compile the shaders beforehand so the first time loading the game took 5 minutes. After getting past the menu and choosing your hunt the game would compile the shaders again, this time though it was much quicker.
Perfect. No problems at all with Proton Experimental

If any of the display settings were altered from the defaults, it became impossible to render at correct resolutions for my displays and the windowed modes completely broke the game's positioning. Tested on i3.
I had to clear out my config.ini to reset settings in order to get it back to a playable resolution after I had tried tweaking display settings initially. Basically just leave them untouched and it should work (at least this is the behavior on i3).