Changed the keyboard & mouse controls ro match the controller layout, while leaving the gyro active when touching the right trackpad or right stick.
The fps fluctuates between 40 and 60 even on the lowest settings, if left uncapped.
The game is definitely fun to play and I had a great time going through the missions and listening the gatlians speak, but the performance is not that great for me.
Since I got the deck, I stayed away from shooters, because I know I am terrible at hitting the targets with a controller. However, since the deck has a gyro I wanted to learn how to use it so that I can play shooters on it. The first thing you have to know, is that the game doesn't support multi-inputs, so you can either use the gyro as a joystick/joystick camera or bind every button from keyboard & mouse to the deck's buttons. I started with the first option, but the experience wasn't that great, because there was a significant lag that I couldn't bear. So then I tried the second option. After a lot of tinkering, looking at some tutorials and reading some blog posts, I got to a point where the gyro was usable.
However, due to the bad performance of the deck (or maybe the game? I heard that the game isn't optimized even on higher end pc configurations), it gaved me mixed feelings. In the rare occasions where the game did run at 55-60 fps, the controls felt good and I could start getting accustomed to the gyro. However, most of the time the game's fps spiked from 40 to 60 even on the lowest settings. I even tried to turn on the Allow tearing in the deck's settings in order to reduce the input lag that I felt (it may be different for you and I'll explain why in a second), but due to the low fps, I just couldn't enjoy the game fully.
That being said, if you can play shooters locked at 40 or even 30 fps, then you will definitely have a blast with this one. I, however, can't. I started with a locked 40 with no gyro, then after a mission or so, turned on the gyro, but eventually I uncapped the fps because my eyes couldn't stand the fast action at that fps level.
If you are like me, then you'll have to play on story mode or at most normal mode difficulty level (I beat the whole game on normal mode, with the exception that for the last boss I switched to story mode because I just wanted it to end), if you really want to take a shot at this on the deck.
Nonetheless, here are the settings that I've used:
- Motion Blur: Disabled
- Texture Quality: High
- Upscaling Technologies: Intel XeSS
- Upscaling Mode: Balanced
- everything else set to Low
And I've also activated the Allow Tearing option in the steam deck's settings.

Чудово грається на Стім Деці зі стандартним Протоном, технологіями масштабування графіки та низькими налаштуваннями.
Зменшено TDP до 10 у маленьких картах, 11-12 у великих місцях.
FPS падає в деяких моментах гри, але не дуже часто. В залежності від графічних налаштувань, падіння може бути суттєвим.
Гра повністю підтримує геймпади, на Стім Деці не було проблем із запуском та грою. Якщо скрутити налаштування в мінімальну якість графіки та використовувати технології масштабування, то можна отримати 55-60 FPS в більшості ігрового часу навіть при використанні зовнішнього монітора. При цьому, треба обов'язково поставити середню або високу якість згладжування. AMD FSR 2.0 Balanced дає більший приріст FPS, але якість зображення страждає трошки більше. Intel XeSS Balanced дає кращу якість, коштом трошки меншої продуктивності. Очікувана тривалість гри від батареї на таких налаштуваннях: 2 години 10 хвилин, при 12 TDP.

The game started, I was able to play it for 7 minutes, and then it crashed. and it never ran after that. nothing I could do would fix it.
Lowered framerate to 40 to get more out of the battery, but plays perfectly at 60 FPS if you're not as bothered by battery life
Here is how I was able to get the best image quality locked at 30fps:
Deck: 60hz, Framerate limit set to 30
Game: VSYNC off, Chromatic Aberration off, Overall High Settings, Shadows set to medium and Foliage Quality set to low. Rendering resolution set to 50%.
To make the 50% rendering resolution look good, we will enable TSR in the unreal engine by manually editing the engine.ini file located here:
- And add the following lines at the bottom of the file to activate TSR:
Text small on steamdeck. But I played docked
Some frame drop
Small print on steamdeck. But I played on monitor.
Frame drops but not that bad went from 40 to 38 frames.
Turned down most graphic options down to low and some medium for good framerate, sometimes it did drop for a minutes or so.
settings to Low Increased post processing, textures and shadows to medium and locked to 40fps for mostly stable performance and better battery
No cloud saves, if playing between systems will need to manually transfer saves to folder between devices
Outside of the Lack of cloud save feature, the game runs fairly smooth out the box it cant hit 60fps at all especially in more dense areas but does well across the board on low- mid settings @40fps.