Would not recommend on Deck, too much compromise is required to make the game play well.
Set to high graphics by default which results in the game dropping to the 30s and even below fairly frequently. You can set the game to low to achieve 50fps most of the time but then the image quality is horrible, the game looks super flat due to a lack of shadows, and some objective-important objects are straight up invisible. You can turn the AA to TAA, set AA quality to high, and enable TAA upscaling to make the image quality at least presentable but other issues remain. Medium settings with high AA quality is a decent compromise but you'll have to drop to ~40fps to get a stable framerate which results in noticeably increased input lag and that's pretty annoying in a fast-paced game like this. There's really no solid option, no matter what you do the game is either gonna look sub-par or play sub-par.
How this got Verified is beyond me. I cannot imagine anyone playing more than 3 minutes of the game and deciding that "This game's default graphics configuration performs well on Steam Deck." is an accurate description in the slightest.

With the game's gamepad support, auto-aim, and gyro, (and the shotgun), this is the closest I have been to using my Steam Deck as a main device for a first person shooter. Unfortunately, I still need mah mouse to headshot, which this game seems to require at times.

Played the demo - default controls were decent, but adding gyro and flickstick helps. performance could be better.
needs further optimization - reduced to lowest settings to achieve 40fps
one crash after sevral hours

High default settings caused stutters, lowering to medium settings stabilised the fps to 60