Any version of proton that does not use DXVK 1.10-1 or 1.10-3 causes really bad fps, instability and some crashing. I have completed all content available as of this report and no issues have been found using GE-Proton7-6.
Crashes from time to time during the transition to sex scenes if you spam click during the black screen
~25 FPS
I had to lower the quality alot even if I have a 2060 TI, only at low the Sex scene played (The 8gig of video ram where full at other quality)
Once the quality was lowered the game ran fine
Default proton crashed between some scenes
FPS drops when in windowed mode.
On high setting the FPS is around 30-40. Much better than previously tho.
Sometimes crashes when entering the sex scenes.
It's somewhat playble now. Running a bit slow but it's much more tolerable than before. One needs to switch the Proton Experimental to get the latest improvements.
As far as I am aware, this game is perfectly functional in every aspect.
The blackscreen crash is fixed. I'm able to run the game very smoothly on very high with no slowdown and no visible drop in fps, running on ultra is a little slower but I am sure that is just a hardware issue.
As of writing, the crash when it comes to scene changes seems to have been fixed. I was able to get it run successfully almost every time if you wait a couple of seconds in the black screen before clicking to continue. For me, this worked about 90% of the time in my 25 trial runs, so I'd say it's pretty consistent.
Game crashes when switching to animated scenes
I didn't experience any major drop in fps even when playing on the high and very high graphics settings. Game loaded and ran fine, the only problem that occured was during a scene change to an animated one, that seem to have crashed the game; a black transition screen with only the background music playing. Could also be a graphic setting issue.
Crashes when making certain choises and performance is pretty poor. The game is otherwise playable so far.
FPS hovers around 20-30.
Crashes every time pose is changed.
The game is made with Unity so it could be easily ported to run natively on Linux.
20 FPS is not enjoyable at all. For now, install windows if you want to have a laugh with this or just don't play it.
Unplayable FPS when dust particles show up. That means that the actual gameplay part is very laggy.