Use GE-Proton8-25
Tried various Proton versions included GE
Tried various Proton versions including GE and the game launches, but after the intro videos it will just crash on the first screen where you see the EULA when you try to accept it
As long as the game is installed on internal memory on the steam deck, the game is plug and play as if it was a native game
When the game was installed to my external SD card, even after reinstalling it. The game would load a white screen and nothing else, this would only happen with Ms splosion man, my other steam games loaded fine via SD card, I was only able to resolve this by installing the game on internal memory, only then did the game run properly.
Please install the game on internal memory
Game plays entirely fine on latest proton, multiplayer is completely dead online so I wasn't able to test
Finished game without issues
The game was unplayable for years. Only recently started working. Either through a game or steam client update.
Failed to request product key from Steam, please try again in a few minutes

The files download, but the install window hangs on "creating local game files...", and clicking cancel uninstalls the game.

The only problem right now is that the game doesn't download properly when trying to install from proton. It does in windows from a NTFS drive, but the key error still occurs in linux.

I keep getting an error that says "Failed to request product key from steam. Please try again in a few minutes."

Won't even start