Works without making any changes to proton versions or commands. I use gamemode to disable the screen timeout and change power profiles.
Works out of the box without any changes needed!
Initial SteamVR setup is buggy and sometimes starting SteamVR leads to a grey image in the headset. But the game itself runs fine.
Some users have had luck installing and playing iRacing. Monitor support may be okay, but using VR without SPS is not worth it.
Install in Steam, then download the latest installer from iRacing's site. protontricks-launch --appid 266410 /home/$USER/Downloads/iRacingInstaller_win_2024.06.03.02.exe Set install location to iRacing steamapps path.
Hud layout in sim was not being saved after using Alt-K to edit the layout.
Out of the box nVidia Reflex, SMP, or SPS (VR) are not supported. Reflex can be added with LatencyFlex addons.
Game does not exit the sim cleanly when returning to the UI launcher. Game could not update iRacingService64 when a patch came out.
The Electron UI sometimes renders black.
Other users on the iRacing forums seem to be have good luck with it. I couldn't get this to self update or save settings. This may be a Fedora issue with how default permissions are set. SteamVR is very buggy, but you can get it to work. I just feel like the framerate suffers without SPS support.