DXVK_ASYNC=1 PROTON_LOG=1 %command% --intro-skip -skipStartScreen --launcher-skip
changed Cyberpunk 2077/r6/config/settings/platform/pc/options.json for higher fov
Always freezes after a few seconds of actual gameplay.
Log file spits a bunch of fixmes after a load of warn and errs of vkd3d-proton like so - 1119.652:0138:01f0:warn:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_native_sync_handle_release: Failed to release semaphore (#12a). 1119.652:0138:01f0:err:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_waiting_event_signal: Failed to signal event, hr #80004005. 1119.664:0138:01f0:warn:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_native_sync_handle_release: Failed to release semaphore (#12a). 1119.664:0138:01f0:err:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_waiting_event_signal: Failed to signal event, hr #80004005. 1119.676:0138:01f0:warn:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_native_sync_handle_release: Failed to release semaphore (#12a). 1119.676:0138:01f0:err:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_waiting_event_signal: Failed to signal event, hr #80004005. 1126.838:010c:0120:fixme:uiautomation:uia_get_providers_for_hwnd Override provider callback currently unimplemented. 1126.839:010c:0120:fixme:uiautomation:msaa_provider_GetPropertyValue Unimplemented propertyId 30024 1126.841:010c:0120:fixme:uiautomation:uia_element_GetCurrentPropertyValueEx Default property values currently unimplemented 1126.841:010c:0120:fixme:uiautomation:uia_element_GetCurrentPropertyValueEx Default property values currently unimplemented 1126.841:010c:0120:fixme:uiautomation:msaa_provider_GetPatternProvider Unimplemented patternId 10002 1126.841:010c:0120:fixme:uiautomation:nc_provider_GetPatternProvider 00000000003AA630, 10002, 00000000025FEC90: stub 1126.841:010c:0120:fixme:uiautomation:base_hwnd_provider_GetPatternProvider 00000000003AA5A0, 10002, 00000000025FEC90: stub 1126.868:010c:0120:fixme:oleacc:find_class_data unhandled window class: L"#32769"
Exclusive Fullscreen blacks out after first alt-tab and becomes unplayable.
Mouse periodically escapes on Wayland.
Game drops in performance every now and then.
Occasional drops in framerate are a nuisance but I managed to complete 60% of the game on Linux so far.
PROTON_LOG=1 %command%
Minor missing textures like sprays or decorations.
NOTE 1:YOU CAN NOT play this game without "PROTON_LOG=1" launch option followed by "%command%" at the end of arguments. No idea why.
NOTE 2: there exists a significant performance drop issue, that occurs when you set an in-game frame limit to any amount, so don't do that.
NOTE 3: I was yet to experience any mouse skipping, this version might even be more comfortable to play than windows release.
enjoyable unless you want to alt-tab
Once alt-tabbed, the game freezes and stops recieving input
By the way, launch arg "PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command%", that usually fixes things, did nothing here. Obviously because it's not a 3D game lol.
Native game requires "libssl.so.1.0.0" and 'libcrypto.so.1.0.0". This is a minor problem on Arch Linux. Fixed by installing "aur/openssl-1.0" package. After that it's mostly flawless.
Escape menu turns background really bright.