Native version WILL work even better than on windows. All you have to do is to install a patcher: https://github.com/ret-0/gmod-linux-patcher
gamemoderun %command%
Game's in 10 fps until you change from fullscreen to borderless or form borderless to fullscreen
For some people even GModCEFCodecFix doesn't change the situation on native version. This fix combines GModCEFCodecFix and gmod-linux-patcher:
Absolutely recommend to play. If the game won't start try to use GE version of proton.
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libtcmalloc.so %command% -novid -width 1920 -height 1080 -windowed -noborder -refresh 75 -sw -vulkan
Fullscreen freezes the game so the only way to escape is to reboot pc.
Had to use launch parameters to make the game launch at least. You can play but without fullscreen, but you'll hate to see your dock panel all the time.
(I use GNOME), You can install extension so you can make any window fullscreen but keep it borderless-window at the same time.