- Be sure to have the necessary requirements for Steam Proton:
- A simple guide on how to enable Steam Play/Proton:
Just install and run! Using Proton Experimental as of Jan 16, 2022 and everything just works. Multiplayer tested and also works great!
Just tested with Capcom's latest patch. As of Jan 19, 2020, - works with Iceborne Ver 10.12.01!
Instructions can be found on GloriousEggroll's GitHub: <- Refer to the found at the bottom of the page and look for the "How to install" section
For those who want step-by-step instructions:
- Download the tar.gz at:
- Extract the tar.gz and you should see a folder named "proton-ge-5rc-mhw"
- Copy the folder "proton-ge-5rc-mhw" to $HOME/.steam/steam/compatibilitytools.d/ NOTE: If you cannot see ".steam" on you file manager simply press Ctrl+H to show hidden folders; Note that you have to create the folder "compatibilitytools.d"
- Open your Steam Client
- Right click on "Monster Hunter World" in your library
- Click on Properties
- Check "Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool"
- On the dropdown, select "proton-ge-5rc-mhw" (If you can select this, it's the first indication that your on the right track. Otherwise, check if you've missed anything from the previous steps.)
- Click on Close to save your settings
- Restart Steam Client Additonal Step for safe measure:
- Right click on "Monster Hunter World" in your library
- Click on Properties
- Go to "Local Files" Tab 14 Click on "Verify Intergrity of Game Files" and wait for it Complete before clicking Close
- Play Iceborne!
Mad respect to GloriousEggroll, przmkg, and @Guy1524 - Those who made the custom proton fix possible. Thanks bros. You guys rock!
Tested with Capcom's latest patch. As of Jan 20, 2020, - works with Iceborne Ver 10.12.01!
Instructions can be found on GloriousEggroll's GitHub: <-Refer to the found at the bottom of the page and look for the "How to install" section
There are some cutscenes where audio is out-of sync. Not all though.
Tutorial videos cannot be played again = Media Foundation bugs. Tried to install "z0z0z/mf-install" to make it work but was unsuccessful.
Cannot use the "Surveyor Set", if you take a picture it will show a black screen and get stuck.
Game has some minor hiccups but is now playable at ~41 fps (Compared to the disaster on launch day with unplayable ~3 fps)
For those who want step-by-step instructions:
- Download the tar.gz at:
- Extract the tar.gz and you should see a folder named "proton-ge-5rc-mhw"
- Copy the folder "proton-ge-5rc-mhw" to $HOME/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/ NOTE: If you cannot see ".steam" on you file manager simply press Ctrl+H to show hidden folders; Note that you have to create the folder "compatibilitytools.d"
- Open your Steam Client
- Right click on "Monster Hunter World" in your library
- Click on Properties
- Check "Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool"
- On the dropdown, select "proton-ge-5rc-mhw" (If you can select this, it's the first indication that your on the right track. Otherwise, check if you've missed anything from the previous steps.)
- Click on Close to save your settings
- Restart Steam Client Additonal Step for safe measure:
- Right click on "Monster Hunter World" in your library
- Click on Properties
- Go to "Local Files" Tab 14 Click on "Verify Intergrity of Game Files" and wait for it Complete before clicking Close
- Start playing Iceborne!
Mad respect to GloriousEggroll, przmkg, and @Guy1524 - Those who made the custom proton fix possible. Thanks bros. You guys rock!
- Be sure to have the necessary requirements for Steam Proton:
- A simple guide on how to enable Steam Play/Proton: