I've investigated line 88 of the '' file and whether or not it can be modified to support Wayland without facing a VAC false positive. Normally the instructing of Wayland conformity is possible through launch options, however this specific file overrides any such options set by the user. More evidence is needed on whether or not this change is safe for one's account; I'd also contacted Valve but they refuse to offer any clarity on what would trigger their VAC system. Such a response would be understandable and warranted if it weren't for the fact that my question solely asked about a specific line of their code relating to the user's window manager, nor for the fact that their anti-cheat is a long-running joke.
The audio is sometimes completely missing, other times degraded or popping. There is no consistently reliable way to reproduce this issue.
Graphical degradation with sporadic artifact presence during the main menu and inventory ranges in severity.
When using Alt-Tab, the desktop taskbar persists on returning to the game. This can be solved by right clicking on the program's taskbar icon and clicking 'More', then 'Maximise' (KDE).
There is significant client-side stuttering and rubberbanding, as if one were heavily 'lagging' with high latency during an online match. This can be positively identified as a client-side issue as it is uniformly present during both online matches and offline practice.
The main menu demands an unreasonable amount of GPU utilisation. This issue, however, is not unique to Linux and is something Valve has yet to explain.
Unplayable at the moment, hopefully Valve will consider supporting the increasingly adopted Wayland standard - now already default on many distributions and desktop environments.
Visibly lower frame rate when running/sprinting but nothing significant and possibly not related to Linux.
Stated memory issue
The following error message is provided on launch:
"The instruction at 79cc254b referenced memory at 0f558070 The memory could not be written"