MANGOHUD_CONFIG=vram mangohud %command% -d3d12
Only a little bit though.
Some low quality textures in the first area (Minimum LOD, less than normal low settings.)
At some point in my testing, it put me at the ending cutscene? It hasn't happened since.
It crashed once when starting a new game at high settings. (I think it filled my ram? It killed all my programs.) I haven't done any long-term testing though.
It plays fine at Epic settings with no Lumen. It only worked when I turned up the settings after getting past the first area. In the first area, it completely filled my vram at minimum settings. In the second area at nearly max settings, it's only using 4.5 gigs of vram.
The first area still fills my 6 GB of vram, but the textures mostly load correctly now. If the textures didn't load correctly, fiddling with the settings generally fixed it. (eg: turning texture quality down, then back up to where it was. This is mostly applicable to the first area.)
If you don't want to install GE-Proton, you can play using the launch option -d3d12 with regular old Proton 9.0-2. The textures don't load fully in the first area, but otherwise it plays fine.
Runs perfectly if not better
Make sure it is installed on a internal drive on a native filesystem, other wise you won't get more than 3 frames.
gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Broken on proton 8.0-4, works on experimental