Text on the right side of the text box can be cut off. This happens frequently, but either a couple of letters or a word would be missing and can easily be guessed. There's a handful of times where I couldn't make out the missing text.
I skipped around in a couple of playthroughs on YouTube and noticed this problem does not appear for others, who I assume aren't playing on Steam Decks. Additionally, the font on the Steam Deck is noticeably much worse than what I saw in the videos.
At some times the animations can appear choppy. This only happened once in the demo (which is actually episode 1) and once in the second game. Both times the issue had been resolved by relaunching the game. Not sure if this is a Proton or game issue.
- Frame Limit: 30 FPS
- TDP Limit: 4 Watts
Runs perfectly out of the box