MicHaeL MonStaR
Proton 8 is the answer to the "Uplay error" with previous versions of Proton on Pop!_OS.
Do NOT revert to older versions of Proton, as it will look for the old Uplay (as opposed to the newer Connect), which it won't be able to find, and even going back up to a newer version of Proton won't fix it and you'll need to reinstall the game.
I think the visual anomalies are probably too distracting, as they look too unusual to not notice.
Some popping, but not sure if it's unrelated.
Broken lighting, switching between light and dark when turning the view in many certain areas, with the screenspace-reflections being projected incorrectly, and probably more issues.
Simply does not launch Natively on Pop!_OS
Not sure if it is indeed Pop!_OS to blame, but the process doesn't even keep running. It actually shuts down immediately with nothing even showing. - It's worth noting that it does run through Proton, albeit flawed, as noted in a different report of mine.
Flickering lighting and corrupted shadows.
Even though Proton 7.0-6 doesn't have the broken screenspace-reflections and sudden lighting-changes that 8.0-2 has, neither is ideal.
With Proton 6.3-8, the game simply works well on Pop!_OS, unlike with 7.0-6 and 8.0-2, or Natively.
Again, note that this is on Pop!_OS, which might have some inherent issue with this game, as it won't even run Natively. - For now I can tell that the newest Proton-version that does work without issues is 6.3-8.
Works without issues Natively on Pop!_OS
This is one that works well for Pop!_OS natively, but note that on this same distro it does not work (well) with Proton. (See my other report on this game for that.)
Does not work with Proton and DX12 on Pop!_OS, BUT...
...it does work with Proton and DX11*, if necessary. - HOWEVER, the performance is significantly worse, as it doesn't utilize the GPU properly. - The same counts for older versions of Proton, at least 7 and 6. - Then again, it works well on Pop!_OS natively, with DX12 and proper use of the GPU and all.
(*With DX12, it crashes after the first splash-screen when it attempts to go to the menu.)