Run Configuration and make sure Full-screen mode is checked.
Full-screen mode must be checked/turned on in Configuration
Just a little small in areas but the dialogue text was fine.
So far I only mapped backspace and ENTER to the back grip buttons.
I set it to large but the font and cramped screen made it a little hard to read.
While using the steam deck as the keyboard/mouse it is playable with mapping of a couple of extra keys.
Really small text
Just the intro video stuttered
Little small on cards but you can zoom in game.
Dialogue text was ok but everything else was really small.
Small text on cards but still readable.
Virtual keyboard doesn't work when trying to search for friends.
Crashes immediately unless you use proton experimental.
Card text is small but you can zoom them in game.
Works great just using the touchscreen.
Had to map the TAB key as the official layout did not map it.