I noticed that the patchnotes for 1.6 (6th Sep 22) included a couple of fixes for Steam Deck.
In game text is a bit small in places, but not bad enough to ruin the experience.
I hadn't tried it before 1.6, but it does seem like CDPR have put some effort into making Steamdeck a first class device for playing Cyberpunk. There's a specific 'Steam Deck' graphics profile that was autoselected for me on first launch, and the game runs very smoothly without me changing anything at all.
Controller Config - Use the top rated Community controller config ('Dyson Sphere Program Ver. 3.1' by 'paul')
Text is too small in most places, but UI mods exist - I have yet to tinker with those however. Thunderstore has a great selection of DSP mods and a OSS launcher.
Incredible game, worth persevering with to get the best out of it.
Minor stuttering in the first few mins and after picking up a weapon. Time it when possible to anticipate the stutter and then get back to the beat. Run the calibration.
Works perfectly, what a wonderful game, great to have it on Steam Deck.
Fast loading times, low power drain, pretty much an optimal Deck experience out of the box here.
Change to Proton Experimental to get the controls working. By default the A button didn't work. Proton Experimental fixes this.
Looks and plays great on Deck. Yarr!
When the game first loads it asks you to tap or press a button to continue. If you tap, you have touch controls activated, otherwise if you press a button you have direct control over the character with the D-Pad and buttons. Both systems are totally fine. Personally I prefer the D-Pad and buttons.