Runs well but all the 3D animations are broken. The configuration tool doesn't display any text.
Works fine except for a few issues: quitting freezes the game, I couldn't get my controller to work even though it was detected by the game, and movies completely freeze the game.
As the game's script files are stored in plain text, it is possible to patch the game so it doesn't play any movies. Movies are stored in StreamingAssets/Movies, so watch directly from here. In StreamingAssets/Lua/Adventure/HauntedAdventure.lua, comment line 1508 (should be System.PlayMovie( file_name, next_scene, localized )) and add the following line right beneath it : System.LoadScene(next_scene)
Needs to have Esync disabled, otherwise the game crashes after a few minutes of gameplay with eventfd: Too many open files
Works flawlessly using Vulkan. I had to switch to Proton 3.7-8 because of an issue the game would lag everytime I moved my mouse.
Totally playable. Only issues are movies not playing and strange black pixels appearing on some UI textures.