Developer fixed an issue with OpenGL implementation. Now it works perfect again with proton.
Random crashes, maybe one in an hour. Mostly in towns, thanks to autosave by entering a town, it is just a little bit annoying.
disable FSYNC and then there are no more crashes.
PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 %command%
For 18+ Content without access to the DLC. Open this Link in firefox.
Game wants a valid licence key.
In the Forum is a workaround.
I tried to remove the registry key as mentioned in the forum with protontricks, but the game adds it everytime it starts again to the registry.
German localization is borked. Game chrashes after few minutes. Localization is also bad, just stick to english :)
protontricks 644930 -q corefonts vcrun2017 d3dx11_42 d3dx11_43 dotnet472 gdiplus win7
crashes after few minutes ingame.
protontricks 644930 -q corefonts vcrun2017 d3dx11_42 d3dx11_43 dotnet472 gdiplus win7
With Proton 5, some Protontricks and graphic Settings to medium. I am able to play everything. Campaign works as well. No Text issues or graphic bugs, no crash anymore.