If the game crashes, you will lose progress. You need to remember to save often. Thats just a common issue right now.
It crashes no more than on PC.
This game is suprisingly more optimized than ASE. even if just a little. Before you try launching into a sigle plaer or server, make sure you change your setting in the main menue. Otherwise, you will hard crash every time to try to load a game. Low settings. (It dost look bad at all on the deeck) Make sure you turn off FOG and CLOUDS. (Consol Commands) I play on my PC as well, so I created a way to sync saves between systems. (Syncthing, resilliosync, or what ever you like can make this possible)
I get around 25-35 FPS on my steam deck. Witch is playable for me. I only got it working once I ran it on GE-Proton8-21 and up. But Im sure there are others that work.
Have not been able to get this to boot.
If someone smarter than me finds a fix, let us know.