game will not load with too many audio devices connected to the system
window goes funky when alt-tabbing, switches dimensions a ton, then tabs back to itsself, can usually be avoided by tabbing out twice (do it initially, then tab back into the window you're trying to get to)
game crashes when you're not tabbed in while loading
BO3 protonfixes
Always crashes ~2 minutes in
Permanent Ban.
DO NOT TRY IT. Activision is unwilling to let people play their games
Only detects its own window, inherent flaw with needless containerization
Practically useless, since it can only show its own window
audio is kind of a big deal
mouse click was noticeable, spacebar was slightly off
*VERY* playable, with performance issues
slight motion blur on some things, looked a bit like DLSS, or compression
doesn't affect gameplay, but when alt-tabbing, the window's vertical height would spazz out. also i could not move other windows on top of it
game ran at ~60 FPS, but significantly dropped in the cybervoid parts of the game, definitely playable
nearly flawless
Back when i did my first playthrough, a lot of things were broken, there were windowing bugs, but it was playable
only thing to note is, while the RTX option is exposed, i don't see any graphical differences, and my card supports RTX
Perpetual EAC loading bar, starting without EAC does not show any window
game will not start most of the time on the IL2CPP build
the game comes with two builds, an IL2CPP build, which is the default, and a mono build, use the mono build, by renaming "UnityPlayer.dll" to something else, and "UnityPlayer_Mono.dll" to "UnityPlayer.dll"