When the user frequently saves, there is no real issue. Altough freeze/crashes is annoying, but not very common.
Uncertain. Felt like it was not synced during gameplay, might be the same on Windows tough (not that noticeable)
Seemed to crash with fullscreen, altough freezes occured with borderless windowed mode.
Must disable vsync to avoid mouse lag.
The game crashed from time to time when using fullscreen. In Borderless Window mode the game isntead froze and required restart. This happened a couple of times, but happened a few times during the the full playthrough but had a lot of problems during the (spoiler ahead) hospital section, after you get to play as Valentine again. (I explored the hospital as Valentine, crashes occured mainly when entering different rooms)
Weak 'yes', I'm uncertain if changing to Experimental made any differences for me (I did experience the crashes/freezes on both Experimental and Proton 8.0-3)
Worked great, did a full playthrough. No tinkering, except in game settings.
A mirror was green instead of reflecting. The projector video in the dollhouse was green instead of showing the video.
Experienced a crash with fullscreen. No crashes after switching to Borderless Window mode.
Had to disable vsync to fix mouse lagg.
Proton 8.0-3 was used